Our congregation exists because of the individual gifts each member and friend contributes to our church. We take an offering at every worship service and also conduct a yearly stewardship campaign which encourages all members to make an annual pledge of financial support. In addition, we hold several fundraisers during the year and seek volunteers for those events.
To make a financial commitment to support the work of the Kirkland United Methodist Chuirch, use the button below to complete and submit a pledge card.
Our church receives donations by cash or check through our Sunday offering and through donations made at or mailed to the church office. You may use the button below to donate online.

To give via the PayPal Giving Fund for Charities use the button below. Note: You need a PayPal account to use this.
We are able to function because of the talented volunteers who commit their time and talents to our ministry. Our members serve as worship leaders, committee chairs and members, gardeners, Sunday school teachers, and choir members, just to name a few. It takes every member of Christ's body to make it function its best!
In addition to a financial gift, you can support Kirkland United Methodist through Schnuck's and UMC Marketplace.