We claim the mission of our United Methodist denomination--"to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." In our congregational life, we stress growth - in fellowship, as we strive to be a community of openness and communication; in spiritual depth, as we emphasize prayer and Christian discipleship; in faith, as we discover new dimensions in our understanding of the Word of God; in outreach, as we seek to respond to needs in our community and world.
Our congregation supports a variety of local, regional, national and global missions, including The Kirkland Food Pantry, Hope Haven, Carpenter's Place, and Heifer International, just to name a few. In addition, our church's Knitting Ministry creates prayer shawls, hats, scarves, mittens and lap robes for church members and residents of various shelters and nursing homes. We follow Jesus' command to "love your neighbor as yourself." We want to be Christ's hands and feet in the world.
Our congregation seeks growth through learning. We offer opportunities to study God's word, the spiritual disciplines and ways to connect our faith with the world. Our weekly Sunday school classes for children and youth and short-term studies for adults throughout the year address our desire to increase our faith and knowledge in God and God's call for us.
Women's and Men's ministry groups meet regularly for spiritual growth and support. The men meet the third Saturday of the month at The Kirkland Family Restaurant. The women meet every couple of months (meetings are listed in our newsletter). These groups are a great place to connect and get to know other members better. These groups support community events and provide financial support to various church missions and activities.
Meet The Staff

Pastor Deanna "Dee"

Jamie Burkhardt
Administrative Assistant
Jamie has a passion for serving the Lord through her various gifts and enjoys working in the church office. When not at work, Jamie loves spending time with her husband and three girls, cooking, and getting together with friends. Jamie and her family attend First Baptist Church in Genoa, and one of her greatest interests is being a part of bible studies, learning God’s word and enjoying fellowship with others.

Hannah Strmic
Hannah is the owner of Forest City Music Studio in Rockford, Illinois where she teaches piano.